
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom Tested Family Approved!

Have the rest of you been craving Girl Scout Cookies like my family has? Seriously they can not come quick enough! Well I happened upon this fun little blog A Bicycle Built for Two, well Cait posted a yummy Samoa Girl scout cookies and i had to try them out, but I also added my own twist pretzels instead of coconut.DSC08546
The recipe was super easy and lots of good pictures to follow along.  The Hubs and I dislike coconut and that is really our only downfall with Samoa's so we changed Cait's recipe and substituted the coconut for crushed up pretzels, YUM!I also made then bigger then the usual size!  We tried this on friends and family and all were very satisfied. I just really need to work on my food pictures!  Now on to try some Thin mints!
~Enjoy, Kori


  1. Hi! I am a new follower and a newbie to blogging with a little over a month in. My blog is not as technical as all of you and I think I messed up the link that lists all the other bloggers but I do have the button and a comment section for Social Sunday. It is beginning to look like I am going to have to pay someone to fix my blog because I won't be able to keep up if I don't. I want to be a reviewer and maybe later on have giveaways but with the way I fixed the blog, it may not be possible. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am following you thru GFC and would love a follow back! I do have GFC at least. Whew, thank God for that. Have a great night. By the way, the cookies and all look so good! I am a dessert loving freak especially if it has chocolate!


  2. These look delicious, I love Samoas! I'm your newest follower from a blog hop. I can't wait to read what you have to say from here on out. Hope you can swing by and say hi!

  3. Thanks for the post, I was thinking as I read it, I wish she would be making Thin Mint, and you are working on it! Yeah.
    Come visit me sometime


  4. Hi! I'm a new GFC follower from Manic Monday.

  5. Umm, yum! I need to make these too! Thanks for stopping by Coupons are Great last week. I am following you now too. Your blog looks like a lot of fun!

  6. Ooh, this looks yummy! I wish I'd thought to make these yesterday so I could be eating one right now. Then again, by now they'd probably be gone! :p
