
Thursday, April 21, 2011

From Tools 2 Toys

This was my post for week 2 of the OMTWI.  The theme was mod Podge and Seriously I love this stuff and I have used it pretty much everywhere throughout my house, as much as I have spent in years I should own some stock in the company ;) So to come up with just one idea to show off was pretty tough I thought about numerous new ideas but in the end this was what I came up with!!I have  a couple more projects that I am working on and will post them as soon as I get done. Life has been a little hectic for both Tara & I these last few weeks and look EASTER is almost here and I still have so much to get done before that little furry guy makes his appearance! 
OK I will stop rambling and get to the goods...
After swaying back and forth and numerous texts to Tara  I decided to head to my local thrift store (retail inspiration!) and there it was sitting on the floor…

I know, not the prettiest (understatement of the year!) but I was super excited and I knew I had my project and the perfect home for this nasty old tool box. I offered the lady $5.00 and it was mine! I headed home with my new treasure and quickly got started.
When I got home I spray painted the tool box white. I know hard to part with that dirty red but white gave it a clean new start. Next up was making it pretty. I grabbed my stash of paper scraps and Mod Podge and got to work
I simply cut out random sizes of squares out of the paper, some of the scraps we already perfect. Then arranged them first so I knew what it would look like and glued them down. Had I thought of it at the time I probably would have sprayed the tool box itself with some paint cause it was thirsty and sucked up a little of my glue! Then I added a layer of Mod Podge over the top and TA DA!  Wanna see the end result? What do you think?Photobucket

Does it make you want to run out and steal your husbands old tool box?! Or better yet Yard Sale season is quickly approaching. If here in Utah we could get over the snow and soon to be flooding! Best part is that I can also let this be an outside toy box. Which with the way Miss A's room is filling up it might end up outside!


  1. Newest Follower from Find New Friends Weekend Blog Hop.

    Please follow back if you would like.

    Can't wait to look around your blog more.

  2. Don't you just love Modge Podge. My hubs took my jar into the basement about 6 months ago and I have not seen it since. I think he likes it too.

    I am also the co host of Tawnas weekend blog hop... I am a new follower.

  3. OOOH, I love this! Modge Podge is the best! I will have to try this with my son's treasure chest. Right now it is just boring unpainted wood.... what a great idea for scraps! =D

    Newest follower! Come say hi & check out my giveaway at

  4. Cute Cute CUTE! It looks so pretty! I am your newest follower and I would LOVE it if you would link it up to my new Inspire Me Mondays blog party @
    Have a great day!

  5. holy cow I LOVE THIS!!! how cute...such a good idea. and it looks SO nice:)

  6. oh wow! look at the change. it looks amazing. great idea.
    cute blog!

    I'm your new follower,

  7. Fantastic idea! I can't believe you got that box for only $5. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Adorable!! I actually saw an old toolbox (different style though) and had the urge to pick it up and do something with it. Cute idea for this one :)

  9. Wow - I can't believe the difference! Love it and want one! And really cute blog here! Thanks so much for sharing your toolbox makeover!

  10. A BILLION times improvement!!! Love the colors you used!!! Makes it seem so girlie and feminine! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!!

  11. Kori-

    I love that patchwork pattern on the toy box...

    Thanks for linking to Creative Juice Thursday! Hope to see you back again this week.

  12. this is what i need for my daughters room! i will have to go to some yard sales and such and see if i can find any.
