Saturdays when the Husband works Miss A & I like to hit the yard sales. Sometimes we strike out and end up shopping but sometime we strike gold! Saturday we hit a yard sale and this mirror immediately caught my eye! I was a little bummed when they said it came with a decorative table (I have NO room!) But after I started to walk away they gave me the option to but it for $5 bucks…SCORE! I knew exactly where this mirror belong, in Miss A’s room! My little vainy smurff loves to see herself. Actually when we got home and I put it on the floor she ran and grabbed her shoes and was showing them to the cute girl in the mirror. She also ate lunch with the cute girl in the mirror.
Despite possibly creating a monster or never seeing my little girl once this is in her room I continued with my idea. I spray painted it PINK! I thought some fabric flowers would add a little flair to it but once I had them made I couldn't decide on how to arrange them. Then I came upon this arrangement! I ran and grabbed some Mickey brads I had and turned it completely around!
I also came to the conclusions Mirror have to be the hardest thing to photograph!
What do you think? What's your best Yard sale find this year?